Planting Your Link Tree

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A Golden Beginning

A Recap From Last Time

Following up from my last blog post – getting-the-message-out-there, I am very pleased to say that I have created my first video on TikTok. Not only that, but I followed it up with two more.

I’m very proud to say that I now have FIVE followers, yes, count them… FIVE! Granted, two of them are the same person with two different TikTok profiles, but hey, I’m not fussy. Only another 995 and I can add a clickable link to my TikTok bio.

The first two only got a handful of views and then I got very excited when the third one attracted 60+ within the first hour or so. To my dismay, I learned that the majority of those “viewers” lost interest after 3 seconds. Oh well, I’ll just have to make them more interesting. I can’t understand it, I thought I was so appealing that no one would be able to resist. Maybe I need a haircut?

So, What Is A Link Tree

This week’s training was all about creating your link tree.

So, what is a Link Tree exactly.

Imagine you’ve got a garden with different types of plants, each with its own unique beauty. Now, suppose you want to show your friends all the different plants you have, but instead of walking them through the garden one by one, you create a map or a guide that lists all the plants and where to find them. This map makes it easy for your friends to see everything without getting lost or missing any plants.

Similarly, a link tree is like a digital map or guide for your online content. It’s a single webpage that contains a list of links to all your important online places, such as your social media profiles, websites, blogs, or any other online presence you have. Instead of sharing multiple links with someone, you can share just one link to your link tree, and they can easily access all your content from there. It helps people navigate through your online garden of content without getting lost in the jungle of the internet!

Step One – Review and Choose A Template

Our glorious mentor from Affiliate System has made it so easy for us to create our very own link tree. He has provided five similar but subtlety different templates for us to choose from as a starting point.

Step Two – Edit The Design

Edit the one you’ve chosen but clone it first so you keep the original intact. You can change pretty much anything you want to please the eye; the background picture, the font, colour or size of the text, the wording, the picture of you.

Step Three – Add Your Links And Test

The template has a number of clickable links that are used to contain the URL of the pages that you want to send your viewer to. There is a clever piece of code embedded in the template that only shows the links if the underlying “custom values” have been populated. A custom value is essentially a place holder that represents a particular piece of text, e.g. a URL link address. Anywhere that custom value is referenced, will automatically contain the address that has been stored. So, if you wanted to change the URL of your Facebook profile for example, you wouldn’t have to update every page that uses it; you just simply change the custom value and hey presto, it’s done for you.

My link tree looks like this…

As you can see, I’ve added links to all of my current “assets”. I can add more as I expand my online presence. I made sure all the links were tested to ensure they ended up on the pages I expected them to.

Step Four – Add Your Link Tree Page to Your Blog Domain

This is done in WordPress. It was a simple matter of adding a new funnel to the LeadConnector plugin that we setup a few weeks ago. The tutorial guided me through and showed me how to give the Link Tree page a “slug” or shortcut name. This is the text to the right of the website name, in my case, (/links is the slug name)

Step Five – Add The Link To Your Link Tree To Wherever You Want

So, I’ve added the link to the link tree to my TikTok profile but must wait until I have 1000 followers before I can make it clickable. Until then, at least people can copy and paste it into Google or another search engine to get access to it. I haven’t added it to Facebook just yet; at the moment, I only have a private Facebook account. I’ll be setting up a business account eventually and will add the link tree link to that profile when it’s appropriate.

Click on the following link if you’d like to check out the working version of my link tree. Andy’s Link Tree

So, there you have it; all you wanted to know about Link Trees but were afraid to ask!

Hopefully, you found this informative. Please let me know in the comments.

Until next time,

Take care



5 thoughts on “Planting Your Link Tree”

  1. Hi Andy,
    I haven’t done my link tree yet and wasn’t quite sure what the purpose of it was until I read your post. Now it makes total sense to me, and it will be so much easier to dive into when the time comes. You laud it out in your post so it was easy to understand too. Great job!

  2. Hi Andy,

    I love your garden analogy. It is very interesting and it really helps people understand what a Link Tree is. And congrats for getting your first 5 followers on Tik Tok. I hope you will get to 1000 soon. All the best 🙂

  3. Andy,

    Good explanation on what a link tree is. In some places it is called a link and bio page. No matter what you call it, it allows for one to have a condensed mini webpage that summarizes all of a businesses important links in a single page that can be shared across the internet.

    I know you add a picture of your link tree but it would have been nice to have the link in the post so it can be view and clicked on.

    Have a great day!

    1. Hi CJ,
      I hope you’re doing OK. Thanks for leaving a comment. Just so you know; there is a link to my link tree in the latest post near the end. It’s highlighted in blue.

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