Is It Really Me?

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Flowers Waking Up

Blog Post Rethink

I missed out on the training this week and a few other things got in the way which meant I didn’t post a blog. I’m determined to do one for this week and to get it online before the Saturday Share, so here goes.

What I have done is to watch the follow up Q and A sessions from the previous week. A valuable lesson was learned by me from that and I’m going to try and do better from now on.

Someone asked a question about content for our blogs. I forget the exact question, but it was along the lines of, when doing research for a particular subject, is it OK to use the structure of the content that I find as a basis for my own blog? Is this considered to be plagiarism?

I must admit, I have been guilty of doing that, even to the extent of rephrasing certain passages of text or trying to put it into my own words.

The answer came back from my mentor, Dean Holland, essentially that the whole purpose of the blog is to relate and share what you have been experiencing. It’s OK to research something and use the content in respect to how it has affected you in your life. So, obviously it’s not OK to just copy it word for word.

Also, for the people this is intended for, they don’t want to read stuff from you that they could have researched themselves. We all have the power of Google or Artificial Intelligence at our fingertips these days.

A valuable lesson indeed!

Be Your Natural Self

Coincidently, I tried to use that same principle in my latest Tiktok video. My videos up to that point had all been “read”. Realising that I was going to struggle just talking on the fly, I had spent quite a bit of time researching and then writing a script for myself. I then had it displayed either on the laptop screen or printed on a piece of paper stuck to the tripod holding the phone.

Playing them back, you can see how contrived, how false they seem. I tried my best to make them sound natural but I wouldn’t expect to see myself in the Oscar nominations anytime soon.

The subject for my latest video was a trip to the blood bank to donate some plasma. This time there was no script, just a vague idea about giving blood and somehow relating that to affiliate marketing.

At last! Me in front of a camera, saying stuff that I had to think of in the spur of the moment. Scary stuff! I can’t believe how many times I say “um” and “er” not to mention the moments of just staring into space.

I started off with a shot of me at home about to leave, then another in the car about to go into the blood bank. A couple of shots of me hooked up to the machine, then another in the car afterwards. My pathetic link between donating blood and affiliate marketing was to say that it was now my turn to give something to my audience. That being, the free video training gifts if you subscribe to my email list.

Overall, the clips added up to over five minutes but I managed to cut that down to three before publishing. I must admit, it did come across much more as being “me” and I am quite pleased with the result.

I’m not sure my public agree; it did get over 200 views for the first time (my previous efforts average 90) and looking at the stats most people lost interest after 3 seconds. This is such a shame as the references to my website only show in the last few seconds of the video. Ah well, they can still see it on the bio section.

You’ll find a link to my TikToks in the Link Tree, if you’d like to check it out. It’s the one entitled “Blood?”

Onwards and upwards!

Let me know in the comments how your small screen experiences are going.

Until next time,

Take care.

15 thoughts on “Is It Really Me?”

  1. Andy, you gave me the greatest laugh so far today! The image of you going to the blood bank, giving blood, getting back to the car was priceless. I’ll go look for your tik tok videos!!

  2. I hear ya on the content of your blog. Guilty here as well. I rather like the way Dean put it – finding something online and then – Splat! – it out onto your blog. I intend on sharing my own experience as much as possible gong forward.

    And there’s my whole online video small screen experience laid out…moments of just staring into space. Maybe I just have to go for the gusto hoping people will lap it up lol.

    With most folks loosing interest after 3 seconds – I’m thinking you need to work on better hooks.

  3. Andy,
    What an awesome lesson to learn! It’s true, people really do want to hear from you directly, not just what they can find online. I’ve been struggling with making videos too, always feeling the need to stick to a script. I’ll give your suggestion a try and just speak from the heart, being more natural and spontaneous. Thanks for the advice!

  4. Hello Andy,
    I resonate with you about the video making, I have finished only one successfully after many tries, and I enjoy making that one because it is funny. I think the key is to enjoy the process and not to be so serious about it, of course, the content needs to be of interest to our targeted audience. I wish you all the best in your journey.

  5. Great post. It is so important to be 100% authentically you. I struggled with this when I started, as I would use AI, like ChatGPT, to help write content for emails and blog posts. Although these tools can be incredibly useful, it is important only to use them for ideas and to make sure the authentic you always shine through!

  6. Hi Andy,
    I admire this post today! You weren’t sure how to go about it today, but still made it a great post! You were honest, and still put your experience out there as well. Exactly what Dean suggest we do all the time. I have seen some of your TikTok post too. I think your doing great! I haven’t gotten out there yet on social media, and I’m dreading it, because I think I’m not gonna be so good at it, but we all have to start somewhere, right? I look forward to your next post. Thanks!

  7. Hi Andy,

    Great post. I also struggled with just being myself. My daughter said just pretend you are talking to me. I think I’m slowly getting better at it. I don’t have as many views, but consistency is key.

    Glad you gave blood, it’s such a great way to give back.
    Can’t wait to hear about your next post.
    Thanks Sandy

  8. Hi Andy,
    I found it difficult and daunting to write a blog and it takes some research sometimes in going over any notes you might have made as you were learning. I picked up on some ideas for future blogs that way.
    Congratulations on making some TikTok videos. I thought you improved and it does look more natural without a script in front of you as you can see the difference with the blood donation video.
    I am not at that stage yet and I was thinking of doing it with a script written and placed close to the camera on a tripod, but now I am not sure. Good insight from Dean about his thoughts on using information from other sources. I found your blog to be interesting.

  9. I liked your post very much. I have seen myself in what you say. Filming yourself on camera, scripting things, attach a paper near your phone, trying to look natural…It’s all me! I can repeat the same sequence 20 times before I get a glimpse of satisfaction. English is not my first language so I have to think the pronunciation, the wordings before I do it. Long videos where I speak freely are for the moment not for me. While I can do it in French, I’m sure I will freeze the same way.
    I had fun reading your post. Thanks.

  10. Hi, Andy!
    Ta Da! I don’t know if you realize it, but you made this blog very genuine in sharing what you’re learning about TikTok and blogging too.
    Amazing job accomplished! Congrats!

  11. good job of doing something that made you feel nervous, speaking with your voice, and being authentic is so important, but it’s not easy since most of us aren’t actors. Fortunately, I’d say the thing to learn is not how to be an actor pretending to act authentic as someone else, but simply to learn to be ourselves in front of a camera.

    One thing that can help with this is just record yourself talking to the camera once a day for 30 days, don’t post all these – maybe don’t post any of these. It’s just a good way to practice and get more comfortable.

  12. Good blog, Andy. It follows Dean’s instructions to a “T”. It’s difficult to write about your struggles, but when everything turns out okay in the end, it makes things easier.


  13. Andy, I have been watching your videos and they are great. It’s early days at the moment and I’m finding it difficult to find a rhythm, get the tone of my voice right etc. inside, we can be feeling a bit anxious and a bit nervous and that can come across in the video. You’re doing great. Keep going. Just be yourself being natural like you say.

  14. Andy,

    Just remember perfection is overrated. I am proud of you for taking the dive into video. Everyone has to start from somewhere. As time goes by you will find your voice and see things progressing. The big thing is keep creating and posting. Then after each video spend time thinking about what you learned from each experience. Afterwards rinse and repeat.

    Keep up the good work.

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