Facebook Lead Ads – An Introduction

This post may contain affiliate links.

Waking up in Paradise

If you’re like me and are fairly new to the world of social media, especially when it comes to using it to promote yourself, then Facebook Lead Ads are a bit of a mystery. First of all, what does the term mean?  We all know what Facebook is so that’s the easy part and we know what ads or advertisements are; we are inundated with them every day.

So what are Lead Ads?

The clue is in the name… advertisements that LEAD customers to your product or website or subscriber list or whatever it might be that you want people to know about. According to Facebook…

“Lead ads help people who are interested in your products and services to sign up to get the latest updates from your business. Meta technologies make the process even easier – especially on mobile – with instant forms that are pre-populated with their contact information.”

Facebook Lead Ads – What’s So Special About Them?

  • They are different from ordinary ads or promotions.
  • Instead of going off site to another website, blog or platform, users stay on Facebook.
  • The “lead” is you offering something for free. It can be a training video, a pdf with useful hints, a USB memory stick, other lead magnets, access to a workshop or webinar.
  • Once the user clicks on the link within the ad, they are presented with a form.
  • The form is pre-filled with the user’s email address taken directly from their FB account profile and optionally, their name.
  • It’s designed to make it as easy as possible for people to opt-in.

What Does this Mean

All this means is that: –

  • Facebook Lead Ads are much cheaper than other types of FB ads/promotions because Facebook doesn’t lose it’s users to another platform.
  • If they stay on Facebook they are more easily subjected to other advertising that means Facebook can potentially earn more revenue.
  • It’s easy for users to opt in and part with their details because the form is prepopulated.
  • You still get all the advantages of a Facebook ad, in particular the specific targeting of your audience.
  • As a bonus, the ad is shown on Instagram automatically.

Pros and Cons

Pros                                              Cons

You can build your email subscriber list fastLike all paid traffic, leads are “cold”
Leads can be added to Affiliate System without outside automationCold traffic is harder to convert
The cost is reasonableIt takes a lot of follow-up work
“Warmer” leads than other paid traffic
Email addresses autotyped are accurate – not subject to mistypes

What You Need To Set Up A Lead Ad

  • A Facebook business manager account.
  • A Facebook business page in that account.
  • A good lead magnet to give away.
  • A good follow up email sequence in place.


The sales from a Facebook lead ad come in the follow up, so you’ll need to email regularly. The beauty of it is that you only need to set this up once. Using the Affiliate System autoresponder, you can shoot out the email sequence automatically.


For A Lead Ad To Work

You have to: –

  • Have an image that grabs attention.
  • Give away something that people really need.
  • Be abundantly clear in your messaging; what you are giving away, how it will be of benefit to them.
  • Make it clear in the prefilled form that people need to check their email inbox to get the freebie that you’re offering. (You want people to open your emails.)
  • Have a really good email follow-up

Lead Ad Tips

  • Try to make your ad unique. Putting your face on it will help.
  • Offer a good lead magnet. There are plenty that we can use available in Affiliate System/Internet Profits Hub. Or you can make your own.
  • Build a strong relationship through the follow up emails – it takes work but it’s well worth it.
  • Continue to turn up on Facebook and/or Instagram so people get used to seeing you (stories, reels, occasional posts).
  • Email follow up is all important with a strong email sequence.
  • Pay attention to your email subject lines – keep them enticing/exciting/different.
  • After the initial email sequence, send out regular broadcast emails.
  • Practice good housekeeping and keep your list clean. Try to re-engage cold leads and if this fails, delete them.
  • Invest only what you can afford to lose. A good budget would be between $5 and $15 per day.
  • Monitor your numbers to see what’s working. Email stats are more important than the ad stats.
  • Test your ad for at least seven days before making any changes.
  • Only change one thing at a time.
  • Give it time; sales usually come in the long term follow up.


I hope this has been a useful introduction and overall guideline on this potentially complex subject. The emphasis should be on keeping it simple.

Thank you for watching, er- reading. Once again, let me know in the comments if you have any questions or just leave me a “hello”. I hope you enjoyed reading this and it has been helpful. As always, it’s been a pleasure to see you in here.

Until next time.

Take care.


6 thoughts on “Facebook Lead Ads – An Introduction”

  1. Sarah Goulding

    Thanks for breaking down Facebook Lead Ads in such a clear and concise way! I’ve always found them a bit confusing, but your post really demystified the whole process for me. I love how you pointed out that they keep users on Facebook, which is a win-win for both advertisers and Facebook itself.
    The step-by-step setup guide is super handy, especially for newbies like me who are just starting to explore social media marketing. And those tips at the end? Pure gold! Putting a face on the ad and keeping the email follow-ups strong are definitely things I’ll keep in mind.

  2. Hi Andy,

    Thanks for breaking down Facebook Lead Ads in such a clear and concise way! I’m fairly new to social media marketing myself, so your insights were really helpful. It’s great to learn how these ads can keep users engaged right on Facebook and make it easier for them to opt-in. I appreciate the tips on creating attention-grabbing visuals and the importance of a strong email follow-up. Looking forward to seeing more of your posts!


  3. Hi Andy, excellent post. Now I know better the meaning of lead ads. Like your previous post, this one will again help a lot in my progression to my first lead ad. I’m crafting my emails like you did and now I will follow your tips for leads ads.
    Thanks for your help!

  4. Hi Andy, Great post you clearly understand the process of creating a FB Lead Ad. I really enjoyed your clear descriptive breakdown of each part of the process. Have you started running any ads yet? If so how are they doing for you?

  5. Hi Andy,
    Thank you for sharing this informative post about Facebook Lead Ads.
    Your explanation provides a guide that clarifies the concept of using lead ads effectively.
    I appreciate you breaking down each aspect, and making it accessible for both beginners and more experienced marketers.

    It’s valuable also because it starts with the basics and builds up to more advanced tips.
    By explaining what lead ads are and how they function within the Facebook ecosystem, you provide a good foundation for understanding the pros and cons.

    The practical tips are gold.
    For a beginner, I am getting the overall essence of the subject and the key steps to the whole process.

    From creating attention-grabbing images to ensuring clear messaging and robust follow-up emails, these tips are actionable and relevant.

    Your post is a great resource, and I’m sure many readers will find it incredibly useful. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience. I want to read more and see the results of your ongoing experiments with Facebook Lead Ads.

  6. Hi Andy,
    Great post, thanks for sharing about Facebook lead ads! You provided so much important information and in a way that makes it so easy to follow and grasp! When we’re new to these ads it can be a little nerve educing, I know I felt that it was complicated and sometimes still feel like I don’t know what I’m doing. I appreciate all the details!

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